Addie get's going: the 30-Day- Joy & Happiness Challenge

After finally finding those rather easy to imply Joy & Happiness action goals, I decided to give them my full attention and try them out on a daily basis....

Geee, you can just simply not imagine, how this has transformed my life since a few weeks! So I started to challenge myself in achieving them. The feedback I am getting from my close people and even from people who don't really know me about my radiant joyful charisma is just amazing and pushes me to even do more of the things that make me happy from day to day!

And guess what, I started to write it all down, so - when the time has come and I will be through with the 30 days of attracting more joy & happiness in my life, I can share my experiences with you! 

Be happy!


Addie Tjoode 

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