A little help can create a little wonder sometimes...

You might wonder "why is this lady starting a blog when she is not even posting regularly?"

And I definitely agree with you! When I started writing this blog in March, my life looked completely different and I was up to take small steps to change it into the direction I felt I had to go trying to change my view and attitude concerning my situation. The challenge truly consisted in making myself more happy. As a professional coach who is very successful in offering others a new perspective on their life, I thought it wouldn't be that hard to do this with myself. Knowing about where about I wanted to go, I sat there by myself thinking thinking but I was not able to change a single thing. 

Have you ever experienced some similar situation? It feels like vicious circle without exit.

After a few weeks I then decided to also get some professional support - which I did and: BANG, giving myself the chance to be the protagonist of my own life really helped a lot!

Although my goal is not yet totally clear, I can now allow myself to give myself more time finding it and in the meantime apply those nice actions to create my own happiness!

And guys, I tell you: it is soooooo much fun!

I would be glad if you also want to try them and tell me how it works out for you!

If you should be struggling with them, don't despair: just write me a message and we can arrange an appointment for a free solution oriented coaching session on facebook or Skype!


I would be pleased to support you in changing your perspective on your life and get you into the creation of your own happiness!


Looking forward to read from you!


Addie Tjoode


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