When life gives you a clear sign to start afresh

WOW... it is quite amazing that I started this blog two months ago to share my everyday thoughts, ideas and questions with the world out there…. and you might have wondered, why I did not continue so far…

But as funny as life is sometimes, shortly after I started writing about the litte changes one can probably add to his or her daily life, my life was turned all over by an external decision, that exceeded an all or nothing decision. 

The question was no longer: can I keep up with daily Yoga or not?, the question changed into: Have I been denying myself for the past few years? Am I really using my time on this planet to do the things I REALLY want to do? Do I need to adapt to people, who don't SEE the real me, just to earn good money? Or do I want to live up to my dreams - no matter what comes around?


Well, after two months of contemplating, spending days and days thinking in all directions, having crazy thoughts, having reasonable thoughts, talking to my closest friends and crying in moments where I didn't expect tears, I can tell you ONE thing:




So, having the chance to find out, how that could possibly work, I will share my experiences on this new experiment with you in the following posts… And, geez, I swear, I will be so very happy to also share your thoughts, ideas and successes on that one… 

looking forward to read you!


take care,


Addie Tjoode


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