02. December 2019
Hello everybody! I have not been writing in here since quite a long time as I was busy publishing this wonderful self-coaching journal for you! It is now available in bookstores worldwide! I am really so very happy to be able to share my joy and happiness experiences, I made during the summer with people all over the globe! Join in the 30-Day Joy & Happiness Challenge and also share yours! I am looking forward to meet you soon! Take care and BE HAPPY, Addie Tjoode #addietjoode...
10. September 2019
Soon to be published: ADDIE TJOODE - My 30-day Joy & Happiness Challenge! Your personal journal to attract more joy and happiness into your life! Don't miss out on it!
14. August 2019
How to attract more joy and happiness everyday!
19. July 2019
Free online coaching to help you create your own happiness!
22. May 2019
WOW... it is quite amazing that I started this blog two months ago to share my everyday thoughts, ideas and questions with the world out there…. and you might have wondered, why I did not continue so far… But as funny as life is sometimes, shortly after I started writing about the litte changes one can probably add to his or her daily life, my life was turned all over by an external decision, that exceeded an all or nothing decision. The question was no longer: can I keep up with daily Yoga...
18. March 2019
Making a difference is mostly combined with setting a goal and being determined. But at the same time, life happens. Today, I had the choice of being consequent and pursuing my Yoga challenge, coz up to now I have only absolved 5 of 15 classes this month (which is already 1/3 - being optimistic, but less than a half being pessimistic). But then, surprise, my daughter called me and asked me to drive her to a spontaneous job. Now I had the choice of being determined in my goal or helping a...
15. March 2019
To really kick things off again for 2019, I just recently restarted something that worked quite a few times: it's Bikram Yoga - also known as Hot Yoga. The classes are held in a preheated in 40°C and consist of 26 postures in front of a mirror. I swear, sometimes this feels like a torture chamber! But: there are multiple benefits your body and mind gets from this special Yoga: - better flexibility - very soft skin - better circulation - stronger immune system and - weight loss (which is...
15. March 2019
Happy birthday to me! In 4 weeks I will be turning 45 and by then have tried out to give my life a really new, really happy and really healthy and really wealthy different turn in vain since the last time it worked out 12 years ago! To start writing about it and share and discuss what didn't work, partially worked, briefly worked and really worked is a present I want to give to myself and to you out there - as an experiment of gathering as much crowd experience as possible to hopefully find a...